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OTC vs. Prescription Hearing Devices, with Director of Audiology Michelle La Riviere

Picture of Director of Audiology Michelle La Riviere


As recently as October of 2022, the FDA released official guidelines for bringing over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids directly to consumers. And while this is a hopeful step for the 30 million Americans suffering from some degree of hearing loss, more options invariably mean more to think about when it comes time to decide what is best for you and your hearing. But not to worry, because below I will highlight the most important things to consider when comparing OTC with prescription hearing aids, hopefully nudging you one step closer to healthy hearing.

What are OTC devices?

Over-the-counter hearing aids are exactly what they sound like: a hearing device that can be purchased at various retail outlets with no prescription necessary. Also called DTC (direct-to-consumer) hearing aids, they offer a more accessible, affordable alternative when professional level hearing aids are out of the budget or otherwise not necessary for treatment. Here are some takeaway points when considering OTC devices —

  • Designed to treat mild to moderate hearing loss
  • Adjusted on your own/limited adjustments available
  • More affordable, but still pricy
  • Limited technology
  • 1 year warranty at best

What are Prescription devices?

These are hearing aids that are prescribed once a professional hearing evaluation is performed, and are programmed and maintained by a licensed Hearing Care Professional as well. These devices are state-of-the-art, offering finely tuned treatment for your specific hearing conditions. Also, within the prescription level bracket there are a variety of makes and models, varying in price point and a selection of wearable styles. Here are some key points to consider with prescription devices —

  • Designed to treat moderate to severe hearing loss
  • Best technology available with hearing aids fit to your specific hearing loss
  • Programmed and maintained by a licensed Hearing Care Professional
  • Require a hearing evaluation to determine specific need based on loss
  • Possibly covered by insurance
  • Up to a 4-year warranty

What does OTC change?

The truth is, since OTC regulations were rolled out by the FDA, not much has changed. DTC, or Direct-to-consumer products have existed for years, and many of the new OTC devices are repackaged versions of these older devices. And until new technologies are introduced in the OTC form, it is simply another acronym for something that already exists. But as new technologies begin to roll out, your local hearing clinic is the most valuable resource available to stay up to date.

The Bottom Line

I’ve been in this industry long enough to collect a few key pieces of wisdom along the way. Perhaps the most important is that no matter the severity of hearing loss you may be experiencing, your hearing is precious and deserves to be treated with care. The simple truth is that only a professional evaluation can give you the confidence you need to decide which option is right for you. And to simplify things even further, hearing clinics carry OTC and Prescription products to fit you with exactly what you need. There’s never been a more hopeful time to prioritize your hearing health, to hear the world around you like never before, and to once again be present with the ones you love.

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